Deployment to Kubernetes

The ODA is deployed into a Kubernetes cluster when running in the CICD pipeline environments, and can also be deployed locally.

For more info on how to deploy locally, and how to access the CICD environments, see the README.

The options below TODO

Backend Persistence Options

As described in the other sections, the ODA is implemented with generic interfaces which are implemented using different persistence mechanisms - memory, filesystem and postgres. The REST server can be configured at deploy time to use any of these via the ODA_BACKEND_TYPE environment variable. This in turn can be set in the Helm chart from the values.yaml.


These instruction assume you are using the standard SKA Minikube installation that is configured and installed via the ska-cicd-deploy-minikube project.


Using the filesystem backend will persist data to the filesystem of the ska-db-oda application. A Kubernetes Persistent Volume ensures data survives Kubernetes redeployments and pod restarts. To configure, set the following values for the ska-db-oda Helm chart:

    type: filesystem
      # true to mount persistent volume, false for non-persistent storage
      use_pv: true
      # path on Kubernetes host to use for entity storage
      pv_hostpath: /mnt/ska-db-oda-persistent-storage

For a default installation with no Helm value overrides, access the PersistentVolume on the minikube node as follows:

$ # SSH to minikube cluster
$ minikube ssh
$ # navigate to default ODA storage directory
$ cd /mnt/ska-db-oda-persistent-storage/

Files can also be stored outside minikube by making pv_hostpath match the MOUNT_FROM and MOUNT_TO values set when rebuilding minikube with the ska-cicd-deploy-minikube project. For example, if minikube is rebuilt with

$ make MOUNT_FROM=$HOME/oda MOUNT_TO=$HOME/oda all

and pv_hostpath is set to match $MOUNT_TO, entities will be stored directly on your local filesystem in the $HOME/oda directory. See the bottom of this page for a full example.


Using the postgres backend will persist data to an instance of PostgreSQL. To use postgres as a backend, a running instance of PostgreSQL must be available, and the Helm values set as below:

    type: postgres
      port: 5432
      user: username
      password: password
        name: "postgres"

By default, the make k8s-install-chart target will set the postgres values to those required to connect to the PostgreSQL instance also deployed by the chart.

To access the postgres instance directly (for example using psql as described in PostgreSQL), the IP address of the LoadBalancer can be found with kubectl get svc -n ska-db-oda | grep LoadBalancer | awk '{print $4}'.


If using Minikube, the LoadBalancer needs to be exposed via minikube tunnel See here for more details.


Using the memory backend will store data in the memory in the Python objects. This is mainly used as a lightweight test environment for applications that have an ODA dependency. To configure, set the following values for the ska-db-oda Helm chart:

    type: memory

Example: ODA deployment using a local directory for backend storage

This example is useful for local testing, and for testing application which use the ODA without having to think about postgres.


This will delete any existing Minikube deployment!

In this example, the user tango wants to deploy the ODA so that the ODA stores and retrieves SBs from the local directory /home/tango/oda. We’ll set an environment variable to hold this location.

$ export ODA_DIR=$HOME/oda

Minikube needs to be deployed with a persistent volume that makes $ODA_DIR available inside the Kubernetes cluster. This is achieved by redeploying Kubernetes using the ska-cicd-deploy-minikube project. Checkout the project and (re)deploy Minikube like so:

$ # checkout the ska-cicd-deploy-minikube project
$ git clone --recursive
$ cd ska-cicd-deploy-minikube

$ # redeploy Minikube. Caution! This will delete any existing deployment!

The ODA chart can now be installed. For a local installation, it can be useful to expose the ODA ingress so that the ODA deployment can be exercised from outside Minikube, i.e., from your host machine. We also want to configure the ODA to use the directory exposed at $ODA_DIR. These aspects are configured by setting the relevant Helm chart values. These values could be set individually using K8S_CHART_PARAMS="--set parameter1=foo --set parameter2=bar" etc., but as there are several values to set we will define them in a setting file (overrides.yaml) to be included when deploying the ODA.

$ # navigate to the directory containing the ska-db-oda project
$ cd path/to/ska-db-oda

$ # inspect contents of our Heml chart overrides. This example enables ODA
$ # ingress and configures the backend to to use the persistent volume
$ # exposed at $ODA_DIR. Create this file if required.
$ cat overrides.yaml
    enabled: true
    type: filesystem
      use_pv: true
      pv_hostpath: /home/tango/oda   <-- replace with the value of $ODA_DIR

$ # install the ODA including the custom values
$ make K8S_CHART_PARAMS="--values overrides.yaml" k8s-install-chart

The state of the deployment can be inspected with make k8s-watch. The output for a successful deployment should look similar to below:

$ make k8s-watch

NAME                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/ska-db-oda-rest-test-0   1/1     Running   0          24s

NAME                           TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
service/ska-db-oda-rest-test   ClusterIP   <none>        5000/TCP   24s

NAME                                    READY   AGE
statefulset.apps/ska-db-oda-rest-test   1/1     24s

NAME                                                        CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS      CLAIM                                                STORAGECLASS   REASON   AGE
persistentvolume/pvc-b44332d8-e8b8-472b-a407-2080c850dee0   1Gi        RWO            Delete           Bound       ska-db-oda/ska-db-oda-persistent-volume-claim-test   standard                24s
persistentvolume/ska-db-oda-persistent-volume-test          1Gi        RWO            Delete           Available                                                        standard                24s

NAME                                                            STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
persistentvolumeclaim/ska-db-oda-persistent-volume-claim-test   Bound    pvc-b44332d8-e8b8-472b-a407-2080c850dee0   1Gi        RWO            standard       24s

NAME                                             CLASS    HOSTS   ADDRESS   PORTS   AGE   <none>   *                 80      24s

SBs uploaded to the ODA will be stored in $ODA_DIR. Any SB JSON files stored in $ODA_DIR directory will be retrievable via the ODA REST API, e.g.,

$ # get the ODA endpoint, which is a combination of Minikube IP address and
$ # deployment namespace
$ MINIKUBE_IP=`minikube ip`
$ ODA_NAMESPACE=`make k8s-vars | grep 'Selected Namespace' | awk '{ print $3 }'`

$ # get the SBD ID from the SB used for unit tests. We'll upload the SB to this URL.
$ SBD_ID=`grep sbd_id tests/unit/testfile_sample_low_sb.json \
         | awk '{ gsub("\"", ""); gsub(",", ""); print $2 }'`

$ # upload the unit test SB to the ODA
$ curl -iX PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json"  \
       -d @tests/unit/testfile_sample_low_sb.json   \
HTTP/1.1 100 Continue

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2022 11:24:25 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 76
Connection: keep-alive

{"message":"Created. A new SB definition with UID sbi-mvp01-20200325-00001."}

$ # list contents of $ODA_DIR. The uploaded SB should be stored there.
$ ls $ODA_DIR